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dolman-bowles is a London based creative interior and spatial design consultancy, with a pedigree in branded, hospitality and experiential environments.

Founded in 2014 by Philip Dolman to build on 30 years of experience at renowned design agencies, Din Associates and studio db creating a portfolio of innovative, effective and commercially successful projects for independent and international brands in the UK, Europe and the Far East.

We take an integrated approach across the creative process from strategic analysis and conceptual thinking through to detailed planning and delivery. Drawing on our knowledge and understanding of space, material, colour and light to interpret the essence of a brand to create intelligent and engaging environments.


Innovative, passionate and collaborative designers, thinkers and makers we seek to push the boundaries of an idea to realise original interior solutions, which deliver impact and experience. This is balanced by in depth experience and professionalism to keep projects with in the reality of brief, budget and practicality.

We are as at home with commercial High Street fast fashion, the refined luxury of a Bond Street flagship or elbow deep in cardboard for a Brixton Pop-up.

retail interiors, strategy & branding, hospitality, leisure, workplace, spaces

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